Bexhill Station Art Projects was recently shortlisted for an arts and community award by the Association of Community Rail Partnerships. The award ceremony takes place in October.
Platforms 1 and 2 at Bexhill train station host a programme of exhibitions of work engaging with a variety of community groups. Set up with thanks to an Arts Council England grant and with ongoing support from Sussex Community Rail Partnership and Southern Rail, Louise Kenward designs and curates the exhibitions with a view to engaging with as broad a range of the community as possible.
The current exhibition celebrates the coastal location of Bexhill. Working with Sussex Wildlife Trust, photographs taken during a Shoresearch survey are currently on display.
An exhibition in 2017 was a collaboration with Bexhill brownies and Bexhill Dementia Action Alliance (BDAA). After the allotment was adopted by the BDAA it has needed some nurturing for it to be a safe and accessible space for people living with dementia and their carers to visit. A group of volunteers have been working hard to do this during 2017 and the brownies have been supporting this project by growing things for planting. During the summer they have been visiting the space for watering and weeding the plants. Bringing drawing and photography to their time at the allotment, a session led by Louise Kenward, led to the brownies taking photographs of their favourite bits, a selection of these were shown at the station.
You can follow these projects on Twitter @Bexhill_Station